Sunday, January 5, 2014


This week hasn't been perfect but I have been trying!  I have cut down my food consumption but the cravings sure are tough.  I so want some chips.  It 's not in the house so that's good.

I am a teacher and students are constantly bringing birthday treats to us.  I turned down a cupcake! Yeah for me!  I also didn't buy Girl Scout cookies!

Small Steps!

School is canceled for Monday - we are going to have -35 to -50 wind chills.  Past -10 who cares IT'S COLD!  Pray we all survive!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


It's pretty sad that it has been a year exactly since I blogged in Daily Crave!  I did not make losing weight priority in my life.  Many things took over: my job, kids, house, extra job, blogging for teaching and sadly eating for enjoyment, stress or boredom!

I need to take care of myself!  I need to get healthy so I can take less medication and live my life with my family!  We are thinking of going to Yellowstone and hiking!  Honestly that sounds like a lot of work and sweat so if this is what the family wants to do I need to get my butt moving and change so I can enjoy the vacation too!

We moved our Wii system to the basement so I'm looking to use the Biggest Loser game to help me out.  I need to make time to go to the gym not just pay for the membership.  I wish I had a friend to do this with me!

So here's to 2014!  Join me and help me to keep going!