Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Unsettle Me

The prayer for today is to be "unsettle me".  Losing weight is not easy.  It will cause an unsettling feeling in what I'm doing.  It was my prayer today to eat what I needed and not give in to what I didn't need.

In the middle of the day my coworker brought me a homemade chocolate chip cookie.  I would like to say that I immediately said no thank you, but I didn't!!  I took it - then I'd like to say that I took time to pray about it and chose not to eat it, but I didn't!  I felt so weak holding it in my hands - I couldn't just throw it away!

So needless to say I need to pray this again and remember to pray and not look away!

Dear Lord,
Unsettle Me!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Journey

Being heavy, big, overweight, obese or whatever you want to call it has been a struggle all of my life!!  A few years ago I had lost almost 50 pounds but 40 of it has gradually crept back on!  I am reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst.  It's a journey helping me turn to the Lord for my food choices.  In the book it talks about someone else blogging their journey, so I thought since I'm an avid blogger - why not?
Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food

Here's what I look like now at 247 pounds!  That was really hard to type.  I hope you will all be kind.  It's a number of what I weigh but it's not who I am.  I am a hard-working mother, teacher and wife.  I'm a strong Christian, an avid reader, lover of cats and I have a desire to be healthy with my body and mind!  Join me on this journey and share your stories too.  Let's lose together!